Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Update on all three boys in my life

Today went ok for the CK! Both Pentheus and I walked him to school (and let the WK run ahead to school without us - he was very happy to leave us behind), and I went with the CK to his classroom. We saw Hadaas (his teacher) sitting outside on a bench with a couple of other teachers and the principal, so we walked over to say good morning. I talked to Hadaas in English so that the CK would understand what we were saying. I told Hadaas that Judith had called to say that she would be working with Jeremy for three hours on Tuesdays and that although we hadn't found the book that Judith requested, that we had brought a different basic Hebrew workbook that I had bought a couple of weeks ago to use with the CK.

Another of the teachers then remarked in Hebrew that the CK had been great helping out the English-speaking boy in first grade, and that maybe the CK and that boy could spend some time together. When I translated for the CK, he tried to hide a grin from me and acted all shy. Then we started talking about how much the CK loves dogs. One of the teachers pulled out her phone to show the CK a picture of her dog. The CK got very excited and ran to his classroom to show the teachers one of his "Puppy Place" books from the States. When the bell rang and the CK was going back to his classroom, I high-fived the CK and told him I thought he could do it (i.e., stay at school and have a good day). The CK high-fived me back and said, "I KNOW I can."

The boys walked home from school by themselves because I was home with the ohzer (the house cleaner, who showed up right on time and did a fairly good job). The CK showed me the pages that he and Judith had done in the Hebrew workbook and the 2 Jack and Annie books that he brought home from school. When I spoke to Judith later this afternoon, she asked how the CK had said the day went. Judith was very pleased when I told her how much better it had been. I had thought Judith was going to be meeting with the CK each day, but I must have misunderstood. Once official English classes start (next week, I think), Judith will meet with the CK an additional twice a week. (English classes don't officially begin until 4th grade, but Judith works with all of the native English speakers, regardless of grade.)

A quick story about the CK and learning Hebrew. A couple of weeks ago, when the CK and I were on the Emek, the CK was thirsty, so we went into a "mahkohlet" (convenience store) to get some water. The CK kept asking me to buy juice instead of water, and I said no. I told the CK that the first time he could ask me politely in Hebrew for some juice, I would gladly buy it for him. Yesterday, when we walked by that same mahkohlet, the CK had a huge smile on his face when he said, "Ahnee rohtzeh meetz mango, b'vakasha." (I want mango juice, please.) And so he got it.

The WK seems to be doing very well so far. When we ask him about school, he says it's okay but that he really wants some textbooks even if they are in Hebrew so that he can participate a bit and at least try to learn something. (Cheli, the principal, gave me a list of 4-5 books to buy tomorrow.) The CK says he's made a few friends, and I saw the CK and Rafael sitting in the library together. He's made some strides in learning Hebrew, and is excited about it.

The WK constantly requests permission to go to the Moshava Park by himself, and he has mentioned playing with an American-Canadian-Australian-Israeli boy a few times. When the WK first saw him, the boy was wearing a Yankees hat - not sure why the WK bothered to approach him after that! :-) At any rate, this evening before dinner, the WK went to the Moshava Park. When the CK came home, he brought his new friend home, too. Gideon is in 7th grade, preparing for his Bar-Mitzvah, and aside from the NY Yankees thing, seems like a very nice kid. We're hoping to meet the rest of his family, too, as it turns out they live a couple of blocks from here.

As a follow up from the WK's comment about our staying in Israel, here's an interesting story. While Gideon was here, he asked whether we were sure we were going back to Cambridge in December, and I answered that we were. Gideon said, "What? Don't you like it here in Israel?" We indicated that we were enjoying our experience in Israel, but that we had return tickets and we would be using them. The WK's next statement was, "Well, that doesn't mean we can't buy another one-way ticket to Israel." We'll continue to talk with the WK about the fact that we are going back to Cambridge. (As an amusing aside, Gideon said that he doesn't love living in Israel because "Israelis aren't very nice. Americans are much nicer.")

Some of you have asked about the third boy in my life, Pentheus, and how he is doing. Pentheus is doing okay. He's working out of one of the bedrooms in the dira and has the Israeli version of his cube on 495 set up here. He's finally been able to start settling into a routine now that the boys are in school, and, hopefully, soon, I will have some set daily plans and not be in the house as much.

Pentheus is still participating in two Fantasy Football leagues this year. He completed one of the drafts last week, and Pentheus is content with his team, considering he had the last pick. His other league's draft begins tonight at 1:15 am (Israel time), and Pentheus is bummed because he has the last pick again. (Both of his draft positions were chosen at random.) A friend of Pentheus's is in town from the States for business this week. Pentheus went out to lunch with him, and I think Pentheus was happy to do something social and without the boys and me.

Off to watch the West Wing series finale, on Israeli TV. I loved that show.

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