Sunday, August 19, 2012

What's in a name?

A few people have asked about how the pseudonyms were chosen. The reasons why aren't that interesting, and if you don't care to know, feel free to skip this post. I am "Katamom" with an "m" at the end because the neighborhood in which we live is called "Katamon" with an "n" - I thought "Katamom" was clever, seeing as I am a "Mom" writing from "Katamon." I had originally thought "Katamom" would be the name of the blog but Pentheus thought no-one would understand it (which is funny because I don't think Divrei Wek is that easy to understand either). My husband is "Pentheus" because that was the name of a character in a play we saw on our second date. Just for the record, we went to the play because his upstairs neighbor had supervised the choreography, and Pentheus thought going to the play would be good for neighborly relations. The boys are the Worm King and the Cheetah King because both of them named themselves that way several years ago when playing a game. In fact, for a while the boys made us watch and listen to a performance of "The Worm Jig" song/dance on a regular basis. The CK's favorite stuffed animal is a cheetah so that's where CK originated. Oh yeah, I almost forgot -- "Wek" is part of my last name.

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